My clients never eat boring food


Healthy eating is restrictive , boring , tasteless, difficult, time consuming. Not under my watch! There is absolutely no need to sacrifice pleasure for health, or health for pleasure. Instead, it is time to (re)discover your love for food (and yes, this includes enjoying your favourite fun foods) and create a way of eating that gives you joy and satisfaction while allowing you to reach your goals.

I provide my clients with a bunch of guidance, recipes and meal ideas – and as a cherry on the cake they also get access to the platform Weekmeals – a personalised food app with hundreds of delicious recipes. Weekmeals is not only a great source of food inspiration, but also teach you more about nutrition and supports behaviour change. Below are three meals that you can find in the Weekmeals app – doesn’t look too bad does it 🙂


Curious about the recipes in the app Weekmeals? I got you! Explore and enjoy a selection of easy (but delicious) recipes below.

Teriyaki Tofu with Rice

Carrot Cake Overnight oats

Champignon pizza with (plantbased) chicken